Looking for PowerObjects? Don’t worry, you’re in the right place! We’ve been part of HCL for several years, and we’ve now taken the final step in our acquisition journey: moving our website to the HCL domain. Nothing else is changing – we are still fanatically focused on Microsoft Business Applications!

Power BI Intermediate

Duration: 1 day

Delivered as: 2 x 4 hour sessions or 1 x 8.5 hour day


This instructor-led course builds on the skills learned in the Power BI for Beginners training. Apply best practices for cleaning and transforming data in Power Query. Understand in detail the different storage modes available and how to deal with data import issues. Optimize the data model in Power BI Desktop by creating relationships, cleaning up the field list, creating hierarchies and grouping data. Create calculated columns and simple measures with an introduction to DAX (the Power BI Data Analysis Expressions language). Configure Power BI row level security. Provide admins and anyone responsible for working with Power BI with the intermediate skills to prepare and publish analytics in ways which are most helpful to the organization.


This course is designed to support individuals who will be responsible for reporting and analytics of data from Dynamics 365, Dataverse, other CRM and ERP technologies, spreadsheets, additional internal or external online sources and other corporate data. It is also useful for those interested in improving charts, analytics, and discovering new insights into data.

Topics Covered
  • Getting data from different data sources
  • Import v DirectQuery modes
  • Dealing with any data import issues
  • Clean, transform and load data
  • Static vs. dynamic row level security (RLS)
  • Defining RLS roles through Power BI Desktop
  • Applying RLS in the Power BI Service
  • Managing data relationships though the data model
  • Add hierarchy, grouping and bins with the data model
  • Introduction to Data Analysis Expressions (DAX)
  • Using DAX for calculated columns and measures
  • Creating Quick Measures

Required Prerequisites

Participants are highly advised to be comfortable and confident with the following skills and concepts for a successful learning experience:

  • Power BI for Beginners or equivalent experience/skills
  • Understanding of data or relational databases

Recommended Prerequisites

Prerequisites are recommendations, and while not required, they are highly advised to ensure a successful learning experience:

  • Exposure to other Microsoft Dynamics 365 business applications is helpful, but not necessary

Related Certifications

The value of a Dynamics 365 University training is in the knowledge acquired, but there’s a professional and career value as well. Demonstrate expertise with achievements through PowerObjects. Learn More