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Top Five Reasons Government Should Fully Adopt a Digital Strategy

Post Author: Joe D365 |

As humans, we naturally resist big change. At the same time, we intuitively know the importance of having to adapt when things aren’t going well.

At first, we try to troubleshoot the problem and implement new ways of doing a task that maybe takes longer than it should or has more checkpoints than it needs.

The next step in resistance is blame. If things aren’t working the way you want, it’s got to be the way your organisation is set up or your processes don’t make sense – something we can point to for blame. Eventually we come this inevitable conclusion: the technology is old, outdated, and meant for the green screen life that the world definitely doesn’t live in anymore.

Ding ding ding! Legacy technology systems bog down processes. These systems cannot integrate with the advanced technology like web portals or chatbots. And they most certainly do NOT make your life easier.

For Government organisations, this is especially true. Paper-based, error prone processes are all too often the norm within this industry. Many have very old technology in place, and a few have nothing at all.

A digital transformation might sound like too much to take on – even a little scary. But the benefits that follow are transformative! Here are just five of the many reasons adopting a digital strategy is needed:

1. Organisational Agility

When you have modern solutions, you can create small, easy-to-deploy apps that streamline simple workloads in a digital way without the need for hundreds of spreadsheets. If there are gaps in the technology you use, you can troubleshoot with advanced, meaningful apps that fix the problem, not prolong it.

2. Mobility

When you’re out in your city, interacting with your community, you need insight to help you better engage and problem solve quickly. An end-to-end solution can connect mobile employees with the office, reducing manual steps and double handling in the process.

3. Productivity

Government is definitely known for its processes, but most of them are long and drawn out, impeding how productive government employees can be. Modernised technology can help standardise business processes to implement best-practice approaches in every interaction.

4. Transparent Reporting

The eye of the public is always on government and complete insight through business intelligence can build that trust. Advanced technology can help break down data silos, empowering your employees and your citizens.

5. Improved Communication

Open the lines of communication with citizens from every angle and device through the use of self-service customer portals and more.

If you feel like you’re blaming your technology stack on a daily basis, it may be time to consider a more modern, digital solution. For LRG entities, we provide digital transformation that streamlines citizen engagement, improves city-wide asset maintenance and breaks down data silos that hold government departments back. PowerObjects is a leader in delivering Microsoft Business Applications solutions and Dynamics 365 workloads through unparalleled offerings of service, support, education and add-ons. This powerful platform combined with our unique implementation approach sets the stage for LRG entities to meet citizen expectations using self-service portals, while streamlining operations and reporting for government-run programmes and services.

Contact our Government experts today!

By Joe D365
Joe D365 is a Microsoft Dynamics 365 superhero who runs on pure Dynamics adrenaline. As the face of PowerObjects, Joe D365’s mission is to reveal innovative ways to use Dynamics 365 and bring the application to more businesses and organizations around the world.

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