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Support for Additional Older Than Clauses for Date and Time Fields in FetchXML and QueryExpression

Post Author: Joe D365 |

The release of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015 Update 1 has added more granularity levels than in the past to query for date and time values like hours, days, weeks and so on using the “Older Than” clause. Previously, users could only query for dates “Older Than X Months” using FetchXML and QueryExpression. This limited the ability to query a specific set of past records. For example, if you wanted to find records older than X days, you were pretty much out of luck. With the new features in Update 1, however, you can search a multitude of different clauses, and in today’s blog, we will delve into what those clauses are!

The new granularity levels added for the “Older Than” clause in FetchXML and QueryExpression are listed below:

  • Older Than X Minutes
  • Older Than X Hours
  • Older Than X Days
  • Older Than X Weeks
  • Older Than X Years

Below is an example of using FetchXML Older Than find incidents that are older than 15 minutes:

Use the following syntaxes to specify various “Older Than” clauses in a FetchXML expression:

  1. Older Than X Minutes

” operator=”olderthan-x-minutes” values=”” />

  1. Older Than X Hours

” operator=”olderthan-x-hours” values=”” />

  1. Older Than X Days

” operator=”olderthan-x-days” values=”” />

  1. Older Than X Weeks

” operator=”olderthan-x-weeks” values=”” />

  1. Older Than X Years

” operator=”olderthan-x-years” values=”” />

This new feature is available for CRM on-premises and online. That’s all for today, readers! If you’re interested in learning more about the new features included in CRM 2015, check out our website, and make sure you check our blog weekly for more great tips and tricks for CRM as well as news and updates weekly!

Happy CRM’ing!

By Joe D365
Joe D365 is a Microsoft Dynamics 365 superhero who runs on pure Dynamics adrenaline. As the face of PowerObjects, Joe D365’s mission is to reveal innovative ways to use Dynamics 365 and bring the application to more businesses and organizations around the world.

2 comments on “Support for Additional Older Than Clauses for Date and Time Fields in FetchXML and QueryExpression”

  1. Hi please advise if this is possible on prem, 2015. I have installed the rollup but with no luck.

    Older Than Clauses

  2. Hi Joe, please can you advise if the Older Than Clauses with update 1 will work on a 2015 on prem solution.

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