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Multiple Triggers on a Logic App Workflow: Limitations and a Different Approach

Post Author: Joe D365 |

As you may know, all logic app workflows start with triggers followed by actions. A trigger in Microsoft Dynamics 365 that defines the calls that can initiate a logic app workflow may have more than one trigger in a workflow. With that in mind, here is an explanation of the limitations you may face, as well as an alternative approach.

Definition: Maximum number of triggers in a workflow is 10.

"triggers": {

Trigger 1,

Trigger 2,


Trigger 10,


Example: In this example, the workflow has two triggers. They are:

  • When an activity is created
  • When an activity is updated

logic app workflow

Limitations: There are limitations when a workflow has more than one trigger.

1. Logic App Designer won't work. In the example below, it is selected but it displays code view:

logic app workflow

2. Logic App Run won't show. Message displays as below. Run Details has a summary but not details (inputs and outputs of each action and flow).

logic app workflow

A Different Approach: In Logic App Designer, there is an option called Nested Logic Apps. Using this feature, we can accomplish our goal.

1. Create a logic app with HTTP Request (Child) – this has all actions.

logic app workflow

2. Create a logic app with Create Trigger (Parent)

  • This logic app just has a trigger and action to call the HTTP Request logic app created in Step 1.
  • Based on the response, we may have more actions on this logic app, if needed. For example:

logic app workflow

3. Create logic app with Update Trigger (Parent)

  • This just has a trigger to call the above HTTP Request logic app.
  • Example:

logic app workflow

Make sense? Hopefully this help! For more Dynamics 365 tips and tricks be sure to subscribe to our blog!

Happy Dynamics 365'ing!

By Joe D365
Joe D365 is a Microsoft Dynamics 365 superhero who runs on pure Dynamics adrenaline. As the face of PowerObjects, Joe D365’s mission is to reveal innovative ways to use Dynamics 365 and bring the application to more businesses and organizations around the world.

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